Tuesday 20 November 2012

Facebook Supermums

We've all got one. The one who has to broadcast how they are bringing light into their family lives by being
fabulous 24/7. Sorry but I've always preferred sitting on the floor that probably needed a good hoovering and playing with my kids than having a dishcloth in one hand a paintbrush permanently up my arse. I would love to know what these mum's do with the five minutes per day they get to themselves, I'm sure it involves sobbing uncontrollably. 

I once had a friend, I use the word friend very lightly and the word once in the, thank feck I got out of
that one, very strongly. She once came round and told me perhaps I could get DIY SOS in. Piss off and
go do some dusting love. I'll be looking after my kids, thank you very much. This from the woman who's
kids have always played the Nintendo Wii sitting on the sofa. She has long evening baths daily, the rest of us make do with a two minute shower and once dragged her finger across another friend's furniture to check for dust.

My kids are happy, kind and well rounded. Why, because I've been there. I made sure I would be always.
Will you see me in a pinny with a feather dust, hell no! Have we had to make huge sacrifices just for me
to be able to stay at home, yes! But It's been worth it. They are all amazing. They will treat others how
they wish to be treated, even if it's come back to bite them on the arse by kids not brought up with the
same morals. There's not many out there, thankfully we are friends with the one's that are! Even my wise
old Nan once told me, 'Everyone says how lovely your kids are... considering.' I know. You get to a stage
where you just have to laugh at her backhanded compliments.

So when all you Supermums are creating your show home, I'll be remembering my own mother wasn't on this planet for very long so every minute counts, while I'm pouring myself a glass of wine, of course.

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